SetCoat® Clear
Royal Taupe SetCoat®
LusterStone® in Mocha Chocolate,
Weathered Bronze and Champagne Mist
Venetian Gem Hi-Lite™Gold
Venetian Gem Finish Coat™
FauxCreme® Clear
Dark Brown FauxCreme Color™
Tissue Paper, crumpled and smoothed out
(edges may be torn, if desired)
Japan Scraper
Painter’s Tape
Brass Upholstery Tacks
Step 1: Roll on SetCoat® Clear over a workable area. While still wet, apply tissue paper to surface and roll SetCoat® Clear over the tissue. Proceed with same step until wall is complete. Let dry.
Step 3: Triple load edge of trowel with LusterStone® colors – 10% Mocha Chocolate, 80% Champagne Mist, 10% Weathered Bronze, and apply over entire surface. Let dry.
Step 4: Making stripes. Tape off vertical lines of large, equal-sized stripes. In alternating areas, glaze the LusterStone® surface with a mixture of FauxCreme® Clear and Dark Brown FauxCreme Color™. Tape can be removed while glaze is wet or after it has dried.
Step 6: Making grid. Tape off horizontal lines of large, equal-sized stripes. Then, tape off the vertical lines following the vertical lines made previously to make individual squares. Make sure square points meet at the corners.
Step 7: With Dark Brown glaze mixture, glaze inside alternating taped boxes. Tape can be removed while glaze is wet or after it has dried.
Step 9: At grid corner points, apply brass upholstery tacks to finish off the African Elephant Hide pieces.
Finish Courtesy of: Martin Alan Hirsch
Decorative Finishes Studio
Louisville, Kentucky
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