Basecoat: SetCoat® Neutral White
Palette Deco™ White
LusterStone® Brown Suede, Antique Gray
MetalGlow® Catepillar Gold
Venetian Gem® White on White
Stainless Steel Trowel
Super 77 spray adhesive
Japan scraper
Loft 101 Stencil “Monroe”
Step 1. Basecoat surface and let dry.
Step 2. Apply White Palette Deco™ in vertical choppy strokes with a small steel scraper or the short end of a stainless steel trowel. Let sit for 5 minutes then compress with a japan scraper. Let dry.
Step 3. Mix Brown Suede LusterStone® and Aquawax™ together at a 1:1 ratio, then apply through the stencil openings to about 40-50% of the design. Make a separate mix of Aquawax™ with Antique Gray LusterStone® and a drop of Catepillar Gold MetalGlow®. Use this mix to apply to the rest of the design openings, overlapping the Brown Suede LusterStone® in some areas. Add a little of each of the mixes in very small sections to the wall surface vertically. Let dry 5 minutes then apply vertically to wall area (avoiding most of the stencil) with White on White Venetian Gem® breaking up the colored areas, and adding new areas of texture. Let dry.
Step 4. Add more White on White Venetian Gem® in choppy vertically strokes covering and skim coating over the stencil to cover a total of 90%. Let dry.
Step 5. Skim over the surface with the SofTex™ and leave a few higher areas if desired.
Finish Courtesy of: Sheri Zeman
Faux Design Studio, Inc.
Addison, IL
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